Data type

Data unavailable (Type4)
There are currently no national statistics (Type 1), international statistics (Type 2), or alternative national statistics (Type 3) available. The Data of Type 1, type 2, or type 3 can be also included in case of temporary unavailability.

Indicator name

Proportion of teachers with the minimum required qualifications, by education level


Teachers play a key role in ensuring the quality of education provided. Ideally all teachers should receive adequate, appropriate and relevant pedagogical training to teach at the chosen level of education and be academically well-qualified in the subjects they are expected to teach.

Data collection

유네스코 통계연구소에서 각국의 교육부 및 통계청을 통해 데이터를 수집하여 분석
국제비교를 위해 국제표준교육분류(ISCED)의 정의에 따라 데이터를 수집함


United Nations Education and Scientific Cultural Organisation - Institute of Statistics (UNESCO-UIS)

Metadata opens in a new window

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.

Indicator name

Proportion of teachers with the minimum required qualifications, by education level

Target name

By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States


United Nations Education and Scientific Cultural Organisation - Institute of Statistics (UNESCO-UIS)

Metadata opens in a new window