The platform displays national data based on unique 231 UN SDG indicators that reflect the comprehensive review in 2020. KOSTAT has reviewed whether the data in the Republic of Korea are currently available and provided them to the public to help achieve the UN SDGs. It is expected that this platform will be used as a reference to understand what SDGs progress is being made in the Republic of Korea and to find the evidence for policy making. At the same time, it can direct statistical development by diagnosing areas that cannot be monitored because of the unavailability of data.
The UN SDG indicators data were selected to be provided on the platform by the following three steps: 1. Are there any domestic statistical data that corresponds to the concept and definition of the UN SDG Indicators? (Type 1). And, if there are not aligned with domestic data, 2. Are there any estimated or modelled data by international organizations? (Type 2). At this time, there are domestic and international data corresponding to the UN SDGs, but if the two values are different, the domestic data will be provided. Finally, 3. if there are no corresponding data, are there alternative domestic data? (Type 3).

Currently, Type 1 and Type 2 data are mainly provided on this platform and Type 3 data will be provided in the future through the decision-making process in consultation with the concerned agencies.
The selected indicators are provided as long-term time series data, enabling users to assess the direction of SDGs in the Republic of Korea. The data are provided based on the approved national statistics of high-quality and reliability. In some cases, data are collected from government ministries and related agencies for policy making also be provided.
The platform provides national and global metadata as well as statistical data. In particular, for the type 1 data, there are reasons for the inconsistency of data value at national and global levels, which is explained in detail in the national metadata.
The statistical data in the platform will be regularly updated, but the newly identified indicators that are available will be immediately reflected.