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Headline data

Source: World Bank (WB)

Sub-indicators: 퍼센트(%)

Data type

Estimated data by international organizations (Type2)
This is Korean data prepared by international organizations through estimation and modeling. If there are no national data corresponding to UN SDGs indicators, international data are available for monitoring.

Indicator name

Macroeconomic Dashboard


This dashboard includes a range of indicators that show the macroeconomic status of a country including merchandize trade as % of GDP, personal transfers as % of GDP, current account balance as % of GDP, broad money growth, bank capital to assets ratio, tax revenue as % of GDP, GDP, oil price, unemployment rate, etc.

Data collection

1 총자산에 대한 은행자본과 준비금의 비율
2 자본의 형성은 고정자산 추가에 대한 지출과 재고 수준의 순 변화로 구성됨
3 현금 흑자 및 적자/GDP
4 외국인 직접투자/GDP
5 경제활동의 주체가 생산한 총 부가가치+세금-제품가치에 포함되지 않은 보조금
6 상품 수출과 수입의 합계를 GDP 가치로 나눈 값


World Bank (WB)

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